Are you ready to start implementing eCommerce marketing strategies in your business? Let’s take a look at some effective strategies that you can put into practice to boost your online sales.

Obtain new customers and entice older ones with these proven online marketing strategies. Choose those you feel will work best in your niche, and don’t be afraid to try new things! Your online store will definitely reap the rewards as long as you put in the proper effort.

1. Implement Content Marketing

The Internet is content. Text, images, videos, audio … these are all online content that makes the Internet what it is.

By creating original, interesting material that attracts your target audience you will be implementing a strategy that consists of not selling in a direct way but by educating your potential customers about what you sell in your ecommerce business.

Good content creators are considered leaders in their niche. They can influence people and help raise awareness about brands.

However, these posts cannot be short pieces of content. They should be planned and be allotted adequate time to dive deeply into the topic. When you create content, the proper use of keywords is crucial.

1.1 Do keyword research

To do keyword research you can type words or phrases into Google that you think are relevant for people interested in what you sell or the services you provide. If the results make sense for your business/website, then you can use a tool such as Adwords Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer and delve into an even larger list of keywords.

All of the keyword results you obtain will give you ideas for what type of content you can create for your brand. Google loves content, which is why a content marketing strategy will work great for your brand.

1.2 Write down content ideas

Whether it’s for a blog post, social media, a press release, influence outreach, or a podcast, write down the ideas that you came up with from doing the keyword research. It’s a good idea to use a tool like Google Docs for this, so you never lose this list and can easily share it with other folks on your team.

This free Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) will teach you how to turn keywords into SEO content that Google loves: Add this content in the form of blog posts on your ecommerce website, and you’ll likely see a boost in traffic and sales.

2. Referral marketing

Referral marketing means, in other words, word-of-mouth communication (it doesn’t always have to be verbal, though) in which friends or family members or acquaintances share their favorite brands with one another. Nowadays many eCommerce companies use this ecommerce marketing plan widely and with fantastic results.

You can implement a strategy that consists of referring a friend and getting something in return: a discount, a bonus item, etc.

2.1 Determine what your referral marketing campaign will be

Write down the ideas you have for referral marketing and discuss them with a software developer to see if how you can implement them. Alternatively, here’s some popular platforms that offer referral marketing programs. In many cases you don’t need to be a programmer to integrate them into your website, either:

2.1 Promote your referral marketing campaigns

If you don’t promote your campaigns, no one will know about them and, of course, the program will fail.

Some promotion ideas include:

  • Sharing on social media
  • Sending out to your email list
  • Reaching out to partners and vendors

3. Use email marketing

Even though there’s a growing use of social media, email marketing remains a popular choice of communication for many people. It is said that 91% of people check their email inbox every day. So, if these numbers are correct, you need to use this channel for promoting your business and products.

Email marketing consists of sending promotional emails to people that have given you permission to do so. These emails can urge your loyal customers to take advantage of a discount, to browse your products, or to come back to their cart and finish checking out, for instance.

3.1 Create your email list

Before sending any emails, you need to create your email list, of course. Since everyone hates spam you need to attract people to your list by providing something they would like, such as a discount if they sign up, or some valuable free content.

You can also use a lead magnet, which means offering something of value in exchange for the person leaving his or her email.

3.2 Send the right emails

Once you have started building your list you can begin sending emails. Some of the emails you can set up are:

  • Welcome email: this email will be sent for everyone that signs up to your mailing list.
  • Nurturing emails: emails to teach your audience about your product. These are often in a series.
  • Cart-abandonment email: for when people have items in their shopping carts and leave without making a purchase.
  • Email receipts: these emails will be sent after your customer successfully checks out from their shopping cart. One clever way to slip some “marketing” into these types of emails is by using a “PS” in the footer.

4. Social media marketing

Many people today use social media for shopping inspiration and for following brands that they like. So, if you don’t have a presence yet on social media, you’re definitely missing out on potential customers!

4.1 Instagram

Instagram is one of (if not the) best platforms for brand engagement. In fact, brand engagement on Instagram is 10x higher than on Facebook. By using Instagram, you’ll also be able to promote your products in a highly visible way.

If you have good pictures, you can use Instagram as an online catalog. And despite what some people may think, this social media platform is not a set-it-and-forget-it marketing channel.

First, you need to nurture your audience and keep them engaged. This will help them feel encouraged enough to make a purchase. To do this, you’ll need to:

4.2 Facebook

Another social media tool we encourage you to get involved in is Facebook, because it’s still one of the most powerful PPC advertising platforms, especially in the digital marketing realm, and your company can benefit greatly from it (if you use it effectively).

Facebook Ads lets you target your audience based on age, gender, where they live, what they like, their language and many more attributes.

You will soon realize that the best ads are discovered through experimentation. There’s typically not an existing “recipe” that you can follow that will work for your specific brand, because it all depends on your product, audience, industry, geographical location, and other factors.

We recommend:

  • Choose a Facebook ad creator tool that works well for your needs
  • Setup conversion tracking before running any ads (or how else will you know if the ads are successful?)
  • Create several ads and run them simultaneously to see which ones work best
  • Double down on your budget if the ad has a positive ROI
  • Stop running an ad if it has a poor conversion rate
  • Keep testing!

5. Retargeting

Most users don’t convert during their first visit to a website. In other words, they’re initial visit does not result in them making a purchase. To capture those follow-up sales, you will need to have a retargeting eCommerce marketing strategy.

Here are some suggestions to implement retargeting:

  • Run retargeting ads on other websites
  • Retarget using email campaigns


Hopefully this article helped you learn some new ecommerce marketing strategies, and upon implementing them your ecommerce store realizes a noticeable bump in revenue.

For more detailed marketing strategies, check out some free marketing standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Here’s one example:

Got any other strategies you think we should cover? Please mention them in the comments below.