A crisis can seem like nothing but roadblock after roadblock at first, particularly if public criticism starts immediately after the event. Unfortunately, this kind of frazzled thinking can lead to a lot of missed opportunities. Reputation recovery mastery principles are more than just a way to get ahead of problems. The more you put them into practice, the more likely you are to turn so-called snags into chances to shine.

1. Evaluate the Threats

Companies often don’t always know exactly what kind of information is out there about them. There can be a certain kind of safety in this, in that the information is probably difficult to find. The problem is that a seemingly buried review or story can easily come to light with either a change in search engine optimization or a major public event, and a crisis would count as a major public event.

It’s important to quantify just how much your reputation has suffered or might suffer in the future before you embark on a campaign that is wildly out of scope.

2. Start a Road Map

A recovery road map should be more than just company-approved language. From social media to public relations, online reputation management and general reputation recovery needs to consider how different outlets can be used to the company’s advantage. For example, when Chipotle’s ingredients were linked to a stomach virus in the mid-2010s, the company didn’t simply apologize for the problem; they used their platforms to talk about what they were going to change when it came to food safety. Then, they put that plan into action.

3. Consider the Perks

It can be hard to see the perks right now, particularly if the negative press isn’t very nuanced. At the very least, though, this is an opportunity to say something meaningful in response to the problem. It’s not as simple as believing that all press is good press, but there is some validity to the saying. When a crisis hits, you have the chance to gain more traction online, formulating messages that will speak to the public’s concerns and reassure customers that you are responding to the situation in a meaningful way.

4. Control the Narrative

Your online reputation is built brick by brick, much in the same way your business is. Status Labs, a leader in reputation recovery, can say with certainty that a better digital presence is the key to connecting directly with the customers. You can refute misleading data, debunk outright falsehoods, and open up about the challenges in your industry. This is your chance to take back control of the narrative, giving customers real takeaways about how the company got its start and where it’s eventually going.

Crisis can be defined in different ways by different people, and not all crises will turn into PR nightmares. Even major scandals within a company don’t necessarily make the kinds of headlines that many people expect! Of course, when that does happen, reputation recovery is possible. It will take some quick thinking to make it happen, but there are ways to control how people view what’s happening from an outside lens.