With this free SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), you will learn how to use Ahrefs.com for keyword research.

Getting traffic from keyword research is great, but as you go through this process, you want to make sure that the keywords you’re targeting are serving your potential customers … and that is why it is so important to map keywords to the problems they face.

In doing so, you have the opportunity to showcase how your products and services will make their life easier and guide them towards your end goal. A conversion!

This free SOP will teach you how to use Ahrefs.com to:

  • Generate keyword ideas
  • Analyze search results for the keywords
  • Analyze the competition for the keywords
  • Asses your ranking difficulty
  • Asses your competitors domain rating
  • Reverse engineer the keywords your competitors rank well for

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For more free SOPs, check out this page: https://flowster.app/free-sops/